Key Features & Benefits of a Roster Scheduling Software

Roster scheduling software efficiently creates shift schedules that please both employers and employees. Packages such as Humanforce allow automated matching of staff and skills requirements with staffing levels for individual locations, while also syncing payrolls, timekeeping, training and certification.

Time Saving

A prime benefit provided by roster scheduling software is the time saved in creating your weekly rosters. Once you have input your requirements including industry regulations, time and branch specific staff levels and your current staffing capabilities, the software will be able to automatically create rosters quickly and accurately.

The schedule can be easily accessed by staff on mobile devices with shift changes and shift offers controlled by employees themselves via group chat or portal, making rostering more interactive and decreasing the chances of inadequate staffing on any given roster.


Other variables can be added to your scheduling software parameters to provide highly accurate rosters that work to the benefit of your company. Adding a workforce budget, company policies around staffing hours and skill requirements helps ensure correct staffing at all times. You can also reduce risk and ensure compliance of awards, including breaks and leave. Timekeeping is integrated with the software to automatically populate pay schedules when staff clock on and off with biological identification. This ensures inbuilt accuracy for payment of wages and allows monitoring of staff absenteeism in real time.

Staff Retention

The Advantages of Employee Scheduling Software | Advance Systems

Having an accurate and efficient rostering system ensures that staff are able to perform their work without the pressure of inadequate staffing or unrealistic expectations. Skilled staff will be present where needed and employee levels will be suitable for customer demand. When staff become stressed and retention is low, workplace satisfaction suffers. Continually employing and training new staff that do not stay, can cost companies dearly.


Advanced software like Humanforce can integrate with your current software such as POS, CRM, HCM and payroll systems. This allows a seamless rollout, that will not disrupt your current processes. Your staff will be able to employ the new roster scheduling software without excessive training, applying it to the rostering process for increased efficiency and accuracy as soon as it is available.


A quality software package for roster scheduling not only benefits shift organisation, it also collects and analyses data on a wide range of parameters and variables. Automated reporting in visual and written form can help management determine how their systems are working and assess staff performance accurately. Any issues can be addressed in a timely manner including extra training or adjustments to management.

Productivity Across the Team

With your roster scheduling software reducing time spent on staff shift arrangements, your management team has more availability for valuable tasks. Staff can arrange their own leave and shift changes, with automatic updates instantly provided allowing management hours to be spent more valuably.

The implementation of Humanforce roster scheduling software has improved efficiency, employee and customer satisfaction across many workplaces, resulting in a higher performing and more productive workforce.

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