Not only has Artificial Intelligence and its many subsets of technologies influenced the way that businesses operate today, these technologies have also made a significant impact in the way that our everyday lives are lived. Almost all of the most popular web applications are supported in some form by these technologies. The most influential would have to be Machine Learning. This form of artificial intelligence is what allows computers to learn autonomously, nearly innately, with little to no programmer intervention. This post will detail the programming language responsible for a number of these advancements, Python.
What makes Python such a desirable programming language for these types of projects? Above all else, it is one of the easiest programming languages to use and learn considering its such straightforward syntax. With this language being one of the first languages that many aspiring programmers are taught, its ease of use lays further credence to the limited amount of time one must spend to feel comfortable with the ins and outs of the language. A competent programmer can utilize Python in such a way that they’re able to begin working with the large amounts of data they’re meant to analyze at an accelerated pace.
This simplicity is only further shown through the extensive number of pre-existing libraries full of pre-written code for programmers to implement and utilize in their projects free of charge. TensorFLow, Theano, scikit-learn, and many more, provide base level functions ready to be integrated into whatever project a programmer is working on. So, rather than having to spend the start of each project fleshing out the basics, they’re already provided. An effective head start, if you will. In addition to this pre-written code, these libraries also offer programmers free tools meant to better graphically represent the data they’re working with, as well as the analysis that they conduct.
While these libraries certainly help the programmer with the simple functions of these projects, the truth is many programmers will have to take their work and make it functional on different operating systems or make it function in tandem with other programming languages. Python’s flexibility make this a much easier task than other languages. Programmers have the freedom to combine whatever programming styles or languages they’re most comfortable with in order to complete their projects. Its compatibility with major operating systems such as Linux, macOS, Windows, etc. also make it a strong force in the space.
It’s clear that Python has a major stake in the Machine Learning and Data Science space. Unfortunately, many businesses fail to ever fully realize these technologies potential due to lack of preparation. If your organization was hoping to maximize the value of its Machine Learning or Data Science sectors, consider the ways in which Python Data Science Training programs can help. To learn more about these programs and the ways in which Python continues to influence the Artificial Intelligence landscape, be sure to check out the infographic accompanying this post.
Author Bio: Anne Fernandez – Anne joined Accelebrate in January 2010 to manage trainers, write content for the website, implement SEO, and manage Accelebrate’s digital marking initiatives. In addition, she helps to recruit trainers for Accelebrate’s Python Training courses and works on various projects to promote the business.